Two floods recorded after amber rain warning - RTHK
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Two floods recorded after amber rain warning

2024-07-27 HKT 14:52
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  • The Drainage Services Department has cleared the flooding at the junction of Sau Mau Ping Road and Hip Wo Street. Photo courtesy of the Drainage Services Department
    The Drainage Services Department has cleared the flooding at the junction of Sau Mau Ping Road and Hip Wo Street. Photo courtesy of the Drainage Services Department
Authorities on Saturday said there were at least two cases of flooding in Hong Kong after the Amber Rainstorm Warning was issued in the morning.

The Drainage Services Department said it has so far confirmed two flooding cases for the day. One of them was at the junction of Sau Mau Ping Road and Hip Wo Street, near United Christian Hospital, which has since been cleaned up.

Police said two women aged 26 and 59, sustained injuries to their limbs after slipping at the scene. They were both sent to hospital.

The second case of flooding occurred at Shau Kei Wan Main Street East.

The department also deployed over 40 emergency teams to inspect flooding blackspots throughout the territory.

The Amber Rainstorm Warning was issued on Saturday morning at 9am and was in effect until 12.50pm.

Several districts recorded over 30mm of rainfall in the morning, while the eastern part of the territory recorded more than 40mm of rain.

The downpour came as an active southwest monsoon brought showers and thunderstorms to the coast of Guangdong and the northern part of the South China Sea.

Two floods recorded after amber rain warning